Fertility Turkey – IVF in Turkey


In vitro fertilization (IVF) is an assisted reproductive technology (ART) in which a woman’s eggs and a man’s sperm are combined outside the body, in a special laboratory, to create embryos, and then transferred to the woman’s uterus.

Step 1: First examination and evaluation of the couple

At your first appointment, fertility specialist Dr. Emre Pabuçcu will evaluate your medical history and all your previous tests and treatments. You and your partner will be physically examined by gynecologist and urologist. After all the necessary tests are done, the fertility specialist will prepare a special treatment protocol for you and explain the treatment plan in detail.

Step 2: Stimulation of Ovaries

Ovarian stimulation starts with daily injections on the second or third day of menstruation and lasts for about 8-12 days. The response of the ovaries is monitored with regular ultrasounds and blood (E2) tests. When the follicles reach 18-20 mm diameter, nurses will administrate trigger injection (hCG).

Step 3: Egg retrieval and semen collection

Egg retrieval is done 34-40 hours after hCG administration. For example, if hCG was injected at 24:00 on Monday night, egg retrieval will be done at approximately 10:00 on Wednesday. Perfume, deodorant or scented body lotion should not be used before egg retrieval. Egg retrieval is done under sedation and takes about 15-20 minutes. After the procedure, the patient stays in the recovery room for about an hour under the supervision of a doctor and then discharged. On the day of egg retrieval the husband gives a sperm sample (ejaculate or sperm retrieval surgery) for fertilization.

Step 4: Fertilization

The collected semen sample is washed (separated), then the sperms are examined with ICSI or IMSI technique and the best sperms are selected to be used forfertilization. Then sperm is injected into the egg under a high-magnification microscope. After injecting the sperm into the egg, it is fertilized approximately 17 hours later and begins to form an embryo. 1 day after egg collection, we call the patients and inform them about the fertilized embryos. Embryos are monitored by embryoscope for the next 5 days. When the embryo is monitored with the Embryoscope, the development of the embryo can be observed without opening the cover of the incubator.

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Step 5: Embryo Transfer

Embryos are transferred on day 3 when they are in the division stage (6-8 cells) or on day 5 when they reach the blastocyst stage. Embryo transfer is a painless procedure that takes about 10 minutes and does not require anesthesia. For embryo transfer, the patient’s urinary bladder must be full. Embryos are loaded into a soft catheter and placed through the cervix into the uterine cavity under ultrasound guidance. Perfume, deodorant or scented body lotion should not be used before embryo transfer. After the embryo transfer, the patient rests in the recovery room for one hour, the medications , do’s and don’ts are explained by the nurse and then discharged. Patients coming from abroad can fly back to their country 1-2 days after the embryo transfer.

Step 6: Pregnancy Test (Beta HCG)

The pregnancy test is done 12-14 days after the embryo transfer. The medications prescribed by the doctor should be used regularly until the test.

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