Fertility Turkey – IVF in Turkey

Uterine Anomalies

Uterine anomalies are congenital anatomical problems. Many women do not realize they have a uterine anomaly until they experience symptoms, are examined, or discovered through imaging (such as ultrasound). Uterine abnormalities can cause a woman to miss a period or have irregular periods, recurrent miscarriages and infertility, as well as birth problems during pregnancy.

What are the types of congenital uterine anomalies?

The types of congenital uterine anomalies include septate, bicornuate, arcuate, unicornuate and didelphys.

  • Septate is a normal external uterine surface but two endometrial cavities.
  • Bicornuate is an abnormal, indented external uterine surface and two endometrial cavities.
  • Arcuate is a normal external uterine surface with a 1 cm or less indentation into the endometrial cavity.
  • Unicornuate is only one half of the uterus has developed.
  • Didelphys is the two halves of the uterus remain separate.

What are the symptoms of congenital uterine anomalies?

  • Absence of menstruation (Amenorrhea)
  • Irregular periods
  • Infertility
  • Recurrent miscarriage
  • Preterm labor
  • Abnormal positioning of labor
  • Cervical insufficiency
  • Painful intercourse

How are congenital uterine anomalies diagnosed?

  • Ultrasonography
  • MRI
  • HSG (hysterosalpingography
  • Hysteroscopy
  • Laparoscopy

How are congenital uterine anomalies treated?

Congenital uterine anomalies can be treated only with surgery. There is no treatment option other than surgery. Surgical treatment of congenital uterine anomalies depends on the type of ano maly, the woman’s reproductive history and symptoms. Many women with uterine anomalies can become pregnant and have no problems during pregnancy. However, when the diagnosis is made before pregnancy, making a treatment plan can not only facilitate conception, but also reduce the risks that occur during pregnancy.

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